Perrysburg Orchestra to perform Saturday

The Perrysburg Symphony Orchestra will open its 2012-2013 season with a concert
Saturday at 3 p.m. in the Mainstage Theatre of the Owens Center for the Fine and
Performing Arts, Oregon Road, Perrysburg Township.
The orchestra, under the direction of Robert Mirakian, will perform Beethoven
"Eroice" symphony and Joseph Haydn’s "Surprise" Symphony.

Tickets are $12 and $10 for those 65 and older at the door or by calling (419)
481-1387. Children and students are admitted free.
Other performances scheduled for the season are:
• A Holiday Celebration with the Toledo Choral Society, Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. in Blessed
John XXIII, Perrysburg.
• A concert featuring opera arias sung by guest soloist Carol Dusdieker as well as
Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony, April 27 at 3 p.m. at Owens.The Perrysburg
Symphony Orchestra will open its 2012-2013 season with a concert Saturday at 3
p.m. in the Mainstage Theatre of the Owens Center for the Fine and Performing
Arts, Oregon Road, Perrysburg Township.
The orchestra, under the direction of Robert Mirakian, will perform Beethoven
"Eroice" symphony and Joseph Haydn’s "Surprise" Symphony.

Tickets are $12 and $10 for those 65 and older at the door or by calling (419)
481-1387. Children and students are admitted free.
Other performances scheduled for the season are:
• A Holiday Celebration with the Toledo Choral Society, Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. in Blessed
John XXIII, Perrysburg.
• A concert featuring opera arias sung by guest soloist Carol Dusdieker as well as
Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony, April 27 at 3 p.m. at Owens.