PRIZM’s arts ed project seeking support

The area arts group PRIZM Creative Community is vying for funding for its Careers in Creativity from
The Community Art Projects funding of $5,000 will be awarded to the entity that shows the most community
support by attracting the highest number of votes.
Votes can be cast at:
Balloting began Thursday and will continue through Aug. 23 at 3 p.m. As of this morning 134 ideas had
been submitted to the online site, and PRIZM’s was raked 51st.
The inaugural career day was held in November, and featured six workshops by professionals in creative
industries. High school students and lifelong learners each selected three workshops to attend and also
shared a meal , viewed technology demonstrations and networked.
This year PRIZM is asking area businesses and individuals to become involved in providing sponsorships
and transportation scholarships for area schools to bring students to the event. PRIZM is also hoping to
establish a database of potential internships available with area businesses.
The GOODmaker funds would be used to create, print and distribute promotional materials; sustain a
promotional campaign; venue rental and services; food; and supplies.