Composer Lillios gets prestigious commission

Dr. Elainie Lillios, an associate professor of composition at Bowling Green State
University’s College of Musical Arts, has been awarded a commission from the
Groupe de Recherches Musicales in Paris.
GRM is a research group founded in 1948 by electroacoustic music pioneer Pierre
Schaeffer. The commission invites Lillios to compose a new work in the GRM’s
electroacoustic studios. Those facilities provide both a creative environment
and technical support, and have hosted composers, including Pierre Boulez,
Olivier Messiaen, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Darius Milhaud and Edgard Varèse.
The group awards 25 to 30 commissions each year to composers from around the world.

Lillios is only the second American composer in the history of the GRM to be awarded
a commission.
Lillios’s new work will be premiered in October 2013 as a featured piece on the GRM’s
"Multiphonies" concert series. The performance will take place in
Paris at La maison de Radio France in the Salle Olivier Messiaen, with the
composer performing the work on the GRM’s Acousmonium, an orchestra of 80-plus
loudspeakers arranged throughout the concert space.
About the commission Lillios said: "I’m thrilled to receive a commission from
the GRM and look forward to creating a new piece in its inspiring studios. The
GRM resides at the forefront of electroacoustic music, boasting an amazing
historical lineage of research, composition, and development in electroacoustic
music and performance. It’s an honor to be among those awarded commissions by
this preeminent institution."
A CD of her work "Entre Espaces" was released on the Empreintes DIGITALes
in the fall.