Fest showcases piano talent

The competition is expected to be stiff this weekend when 20 high school pianists arrive at Bowling Green
State University for the second David D. Dubois Piano Festival and Competition.
The pianists come from as near as Rossford and as far as China vying for a top prize of $3,000. Second
place gets $2,000 and third $1,000.
The local performer is Michael Lenahan, 17. The high school senior studies with Robert Satterlee of the
BGSU faculty. Lenahan also participated in the inaugural competition held last year. Also returning is
Miguel Morrissey, a student at the Interlochen Arts Academy, who was a finalist in last year’s event.

Dr. Laura Melton, the BGSU faculty member coordinating the Dubois festival, said the 20 semifinalists
were culled from 33 recordings submitted.
"The level is so much higher than last year," she said.
A number of the pianists have already won notable competitions and played in venues including Carnegie
Pianist Christopher O’Riley will be the special guest artist. He knows about young talent as the host of
the NPR program "From the Top," which showcases young classical performers.
One of the show’s previous guests Demi Fang will be competing in the BGSU events.
As part of his residency, O’Riley will present a master class with BGSU piano students Friday at 2:30
On Saturday he will perform a Festival Series concert at 8 p.m. in Kobacker Hall.
Previous to his recital he will discuss his work at 7:15 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall.
On Sunday from 9 a.m. to noon he will serve as a guest along with Christine Kefferstan, a performer and
professor at West Virginia University, for the final round of the competition.
The performers each prepare three pieces for the competition. All will perform during the Preliminary
Round Saturday from 11:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. in Kobacker. The repertoire falls heavily on the favorites
of piano literature, Chopin and Beethoven being the most popular with Mozart and Franz Liszt also well
represented. But pieces of more recent vintage by Lowell Liebermann, Robert Muczynski and Alberto
Ginastera are also on the program.