Reception marks opening of art show at Sam B’s

A reception for the new collection of at on display in Sam B’s Restaurant, 163 S. Main St., Bowling
Green, will be held Friday from 8 to 10 p.m.
The collection is curated by PRIZM Creative Community. More than 100 works by 28 area artists will be on
display through Jan. 15.
Exhibiting work are: David Kolasky, Suzanne Beavis, Grethchen Zientek, John Piechocki, Colleen Kilbert,
Sandra Brady , Phoebe Starr Sloan, Camille Isaacs, Beth Genson, Charlotte Loetz, Nora Sallows, Jake Lee,
Marcia Culp, Corbin Genson, Dawn Ann Culp-Hailstock, Mary Anne Nicholson, Adam Soboleski, Jeremy
Anderson, Katie Reid, Michael Billmaier, Tim Hacker, Elaine Fuchs, Randy Bennett, Timothy B. Johnson,
Nadine Saylor, Les Robertson, Joshua Haas and Emanuel Enriquez.