Soil conservation district sets meeting for local workgroups

The Wood Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will conduct a Local Workgroup (LWG) meeting at 8:30
a.m. on Sept. 29, to identify resource concerns, discuss conservation priorities, and develop potential
solutions. The meeting will take place at the Wood SWCD office located at 1616 E. Wooster St.
While the work group membership is limited to federal, state, county, tribal, or local government
representatives who are familiar with agriculture and natural resources interests, the meeting is open
to the general public, who is invited to participate and provide input on local conservation issues and
resource challenges.
LWGs support locally led conservation efforts by coordinating USDA programs with other conservation
programs in an effort to provide an integrated solution to addressing natural resource concerns.
For more information, contact Jim Carter at the Wood SWCD office, (419) 352-5172.