Organizations: Alva Sidle Legion Unit 232 & Greenwood Chapter, OES (09-14-11)


Alva Sidle Legion Unit 232
GRAND RAPIDS – The Sept. 1 auxiliary meeting was opened by Tracy Bostelman with eight members present.

Membership applications for Michelle Renzhofer and Kathy Woessner were read and approved.
Courtney Schreiber told about her week at Buckeye Girls State. She was an assistant to her city’s
treasurer and said she wants a job in law when she graduates.
The unit bought an Adopt America raffle ticket.
A thank you card from the Wilbur Conrad family was read.
Bbills paid over the summer were Girls State expenses, $40; county installation dinner, $24; poppy
mailing, $75; hall rentals, $250; and hall cleaning, $75.
Vi Grzybowski homecoming is Nov. 5 at the Hilton Garden Inn at Levis Commons with social hour at 5:30
p.m. Cost is $30.
The post will have a fish fry on Sept. 16. The cost has been raised to $9.
The next unit meeting will be Oct. 6 at 7 p.m.
Greenwood Chapter, OES
With charities being the theme for the year, Worthy Matron Penelope Wymer talked about Honor Flight at
the September meeting while Worthy Patron William Mandlebaum focused on The Grottoes of North America.

Honor Flight is a non-profit organization that honors America’s veterans for their sacrifices. Veterans
are transported at no cost to them to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials. Top
priority is given to senior and terminally ill veterans.
Membership in the Grotto organization is limited to Master Masons. Its national humanitarian project,
cerebral palsy, began in 1949. The Supreme Council of Masons has contributed over a half million dollars
for research. The Grotto also supports dentistry for special needs children under age 18.
Greenwood members will travel to Woodbine Chapter, Pemberville, for Sister Chapter on Sept. 19. Officers
are to wear chapter attire and arrive by 7:15 p.m.
Moonlighters will dine on Sept. 20 at Dyers Family Restaurant at 6:30 p.m. Reservations should be made
through Jean Lanning at (419) 352-0021.
Grand Chapter of Ohio will be held in Dayton Sept. 23-25.
Little School of Instruction will be Oct. 2 at 2:30 p.m. at the chapter of the 2012 deputy grand matron.

The chapter’s next meeting on Oct. 4 will be preceded by a 6:15 dinner in the temple dining room. Call
Jane Gerkins at (419) 308-7175 for reservations. Scholarship recipient Perry Wagner will be present and
Milestone pin recipients will be honored.

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