Wheat day set
The "Northern Ohio Wheat Day" will be held on Sept. 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Wendelin
Parish Hall, 323 N. Wood Street, Fostoria.
The agenda includes wheat variety update, fertility BMP, managing head scab, 15-inch row wheat, value of
wheat in rotation, and a tour of Mennel research facility.
The event is sponsored by Mennel Milling and OSU Extension. The program is free.
Reservations for meal count need to made by Monday to (419) 562-8731.
Cover crop featured
A "Cover Crop Field Day" will be held Sept. 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Blue Creek Conservation
Area, 7700 Schadel Road, Whitehouse.
The agenda will include tillage equipment demonstrations, cover crop plots, drainage control structure,
soil quality and cover crops and Lake Erie phosphorus issues.
The event is sponsored by The Andersons, Farm Bureau, Conservation Technology Information Center, the
Wood, Henry and Lucas Soil and Water Conservation Districts and , OSU Extension.
The cost is $20 and is payable to CTIC. Those wishing to attend may register at www.ctic.org or call
Lucas SWCD at (419) 893-1966. The deadline to register is Sept. 6.