Church Events: 08-19-11


Pastor Luke Ulrich’s sermon Sunday at Abiding Word Evangelical Lutheran Church will continue the series,
"How Awesome Is This Place> What the Church Is … and What the Church Isn’t" with
"Part 5: More Than Entertainment, More Than a Pick-Me-Up …. But Serious and Active in the World
Against Our Spiritual Energies."
"Let’s Act Like Christians, Part 3," will be Pastor Dennis Gugger’s sermon Sunday at Bowling
Green Alliance Church.
Evangelist Harold Driver’s sermon Sunday morning at Bowling Green Church of Christ will be "Put on
the New Man." Michael McCurdy will be preaching, "Victory at the 12:30 p.m. service.
"Insight Comes When We Stand in God’s Presence," will be Rev. Michael Malanga’s message Sunday
at Bowling Green Covenant Church.
Cloverdale United Methodist Church will hold its annual "Picnic in the Park" worship at 11 a.m.
at Bowling Green City Park.
Rev. Brent Pomeroy’s sermon Sunday at First Christian Church will be "Who is This Jesus?"
Guest Pastor Vern Campbell’s sermon Sunday at First Presbyterian Church will be "A High Draft
Pastor Tom Mellott’s sermon Sunday at First United Methodist Church will be "Real Worship."
The worship schedule returns to two services on Sunday, 8:45 and 11 a.m.
The sermon Sunday by Curtis Miller, pastor, at Grace Brethren Church will be "The God We
"The program Sunday at Maumee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation will welcome its new
minister Rev. Lynn Kerr. (See related story above.)
The 441 Quartet will lead the service Sunday at Plain Congregational Church with songs and testimonies.

Pastor Dale Schaefer’s theme for both traditional Sunday services at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church will be
"The Question Only You can Answer."
St. Thomas More University Parish will return to its school-year schedule adding the 5 and 9 p.m. Masses
on Sunday.
"Getting the Keys to a Life of Praise and Protest," will be Rev. Eric McGlade’s sermon Sunday
at Trinity United Methodist Church.
"The Master’s Men," will be Dr. David Lindeblad’s sermon Sunday morning at Wood County Baptist
Rev. Susan Kronbach’s sermon Sunday at Bairdstown United Methodist Church will continue the current
series about worship, inviting reflection about one’s response to the
Rev. Melanie Haack’s sermon Sunday at St. James Lutheran Church will be "On This Rock I Will Build
My Church."
Pastor Dean Durant’s sermon Sunday at Faith United Methodist Church will be from the "Who Am
Pastor Tom Zulick’s homily Sunday at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Goodness
Pastor Dale Smeltzer’s message Sunday at Christ’s Bible Church will be "Building on the Foundation
of Christ."
"Be Transformed," will be Rev. Jennifer Jackson’s sermon Sunday at Haskins Community Church.

Pastor Rick Adams’ message Sunday at Hoytville United Methodist Church will be "Who do You Say Jesus
Pastor Ron Shinkle’s message Sunday at Lemoyne Baptist Church will be "When the Lord Returns."

Pastor Peter Johnston’s sermon Sunday at Faith United Methodist Church will be "The Greatest Mystery
of All."
Zion Lutheran Church will hold its concert in the parking lot next Friday.
(See related story on page 7.)
"Choices," will be Pastor Andy Wilson’s sermon Sunday at St. Paul Lutheran Church.
Rev. Susan Kronbach’s sermon Sunday at Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist will continue the
current series about worship, inviting reflection about one’s response to the word proclaimed and
The service will include a baptism and the "Blessing of the Backpacks" for students returning
to school.
"Pastor Rick Adams’ message Sunday at St. James United Methodist Church will be "Who do You Say
Jesus Is?"
Pastor Matthew Musteric’s sermon Sunday at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Who do You
Say Jesus Is?"
(See EVENTS on 7)
Pastor Jim Miller’s sermon Sunday at First United Presbyterian Church will be "Barack Means
Pastor Peter Johnston’s sermon Sunday at Pemberville United Methodist Church will be "The Greatest
Mystery of All."
Rev. Bruce McDaniel’s sermon Sunday at Christ United Methodist Church will be "Being the Church
Preacher Larry Garzony’s sermon Sunday at Rudolph Christian Church will be "A Glorious Body,"
the ninth in a series on "The Christian Life."
Pastor Daniel Beaudoin’s sermon Sunday at St. John Lutheran Church will be "Blessed Are You."

Ken Staib will be ordained at 4 p.m. Sunday. (See related story on page 6.)
Pastor Robert E. May’s sermon Sunday at Stony Ridge United Methodist Church will be "Who do You Say
I Am?"
Pastor John Randall’s sermon Sunday at Sugar Ridge Community Church will be "Like a Bottle in the
Pastor Mark Montgomery’s sermon Sunday at Calvary United Methodist Church will be "Long Jump off a
Short Pier."
"Boom Where You’re Planted," will be Rev. Mark Kuhlman’s sermon Sunday at Wayne United
Methodist Church.
Pastor John Merseth’s theme Sunday for Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "The Kingdom of
Heaven is Like." The service will be an outdoor worship service held at the Miami Shelter in
Providence Park. Coffee and donuts will be served at 10:30 a.m. with an 11 a.m. worship and 12:30
potluck lunch and games. All are welcome.
Pastor Chris Boggs’ sermon Sunday at Sonlight Christian Assembly of God will be "Discipleship
Rick Broughton’s message Sunday at Weston Church of Christ will be "The Value of Unity."
Rev. James Stewart’s sermon Sunday at Weston United Methodist Church will be "Trust God and Move

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