Local troop honors three for Eagle Scout projects

Logan Brubaker (from
left), Ben Wagner and Aaron Cramer received their Eagle Scout awards. (Photo provided)

Three members of Troop 345 were honored in an Eagle Scout ceremony earlier this month.
Logan Brubaker, Ben Wagner, Aaron Cramer all earned the highest award in Boy Scouts. Their Scoutmaster is
Rich Shedron.
Logan and Ben are juniors at Bowling Green High School.
Aaron graduated from BGHS in May and will attend the University of Toledo this fall.
Logan, who has eight years in scouting, is the son of Tim and Laura Brubaker. His project was collecting
tattered and torn American flags, replacing them with new ones. He also held a proper retirement
ceremony for the old flags that he gathered.
Ben is the son of Tom and Lisa Wagner and has been in scouting for 10 years. He tor out overgrown
landscaping in one of the high school’s courtyards and re-landscaped it. He also made a picnic table and
bird houses for the area.
Aaron made wall cabinets for Christ United Methodist Church. He is the son of Brian and Vicki Cramer and
has had 12 years of scouting.

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