Perrysburg welcomes ‘new kids on the block’


PERRYSBURG – Students in grades 1-5 who are new to Perrysburg Schools are invited to the district’s
annual "New Kids On The Block" program on Monday at 4:30 p.m. before Elementary Preview Night,
which begins at 5:30 p.m.
The program invites both brand new move-ins to the community as well as those who are simply relocating
from one of the other elementary schools in Perrysburg or a nearby community.
"Forty percent of students currently entering junior high were not with the district as
kindergartners," stated Superintendent Tom Hosler. "We’re proud to offer this program to make
our new Yellow Jackets feel at home."
There will be a chance for the participants to meet students at their grade level, many of who were new
last year. These students are called "big buddies" and they will talk with new students about
what it is like being the "new kid" and help the students feel welcome in their new school.

The elementary school counselors organize this annual event: Maggie Collins (Frank), Chris Harper (Fort
Meigs), Jason Koval (Toth) and Nikki Ohms (Woodland).
"Changing schools can be a very positive experience," stated Collins. "We hope this
program will help parents and children in adjusting to their new school environment."
"This program sends the message to our new students and families that we care, and we are happy they
are here," added Ohms.

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