Another successful year for Eastwood’s Babyland

A view of Babyland’s
newly renovated exterior at the Wood County fairgrounds. (Photos courtesy of Eastwood FFA)
Fairgoers enjoy the rabbits inside Babyland at the 2011 Wood County

If you visited the Wood County Fair this year, you might have passed by or even walked through the
Babyland building, sponsored by Eastwood FFA, located in the middle of the fairgrounds.
You might have taken a tour of the building to see all of the baby animals from piglets to puppies to
chicks. You might have even attended the Babyland auction to try to bring one of those animals home with
Those at Eastwood FFA are appreciative all of those who helped support Babyland once again this year.
Over the past winter, members of the chapter began thinking of ways to improve the building. Once the
plans were made, work began in the spring to renovate the area. Members worked countless hours over the
summer and some were even there nearly every day trying to make the building look great for this year’s
fair. The office was repainted FFA colors, the walls inside the building were repainted, pen dividers
were taken out, new dirt was added into each pen, old windows were replaced with new windows, and the
windows received new trim.
The landscape was also revamped, through the courtesy and generosity of Wolf’s Blooms and Berries who
helped tremendously by donating the flowers. The FFA chapter indicated by the time fair rolled around,
Babyland looked as good as new thanks to everyone’s hard work.
Organizers were very pleased with a great showing of animals this year. Community members donated their
animals in order to help spread the word of the importance agriculture has in our society. The variety
of animals included a horse, calves, pigs, pygmy goats, lambs, puppies, rabbits, chicks, and turkeys.

Once the fair started, members of the chapter worked in shifts in order to keep the building looking its
best for all of the fairgoers.
During their shift, members had to make sure the pens were clean, make sure all the animals had food and
water, and make sure everything was running smoothly.
At the end of the fair, the chapter held its annual Babyland auction in the Sheep Show Arena at the
fairgrounds, where the majority of the animals were sold to those who wanted to take them home.
Auctioneer Andy Lang helped to run the event and members and FFA adviser David Little made sure the sale
was running smoothly.
Visitors seemed to enjoy all of the changes that were made and all of the animals that were there.
While the chapter and its members are ultimately responsible for the exhibit, they know it takes a lot of
community support and are appreciative of the countless who help provide support before, during and
after the fair.

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