Beautiful BG winners announced

Bill Davis and Donna
Cash at the entrance of their home which won top honors for Beautiful BG in accent planting (Photo:
Enoch Wu/Sentinel-Tribune)

On Saturday the Beautiful Bowling Green program presented its top awards for the homes judged as
superior, excellent and outstanding.
The best front yard in the city was awarded to Jeff and Becky Cullen at 1242 Conneaut Ave., as they
earned the superior ranking in that division.
The superior ranking for best accent planting went to Bill Davis and Donna Marie Cash at 1302 Brownwood
Cash said they have been working on their gardens for seven or eight years since they moved into the
home. She said her husband, Davis, brings in two truckloads of material for the gardens each year.
"It’s a labor of love," she said. "We really enjoy it and really enjoy Bowling
Cash said despite winning for their accents out front, the back yard is even better.
"We absolutely love spending hours just relaxing in the back yard," she said.
Earning an excellent rating for best front yard was Pascal and Holli Bizarro at 1431 Kensington Blvd,
with the outstanding distinction going to Sammy and Sandra Dewyer at 1315 Lyn Road.
For accent planning, the excellent rating was awarded to Tom and Kathy Wojciechowski, 1575 Glen Eagles
Drive; while Sandra Garno, 114 Parkview St. was awarded outstanding in that division.
After the top 24 were selected experts judged the finalists to select the top three in each category.
Signs were placed at all the homes of all the preliminary winners.
All the finalists were recognized at Saturday’s ceremony held at Simpson Garden Park.
Last year’s winners, Diane Haslinger for best front yard and Robert and Marilyn Berres for best accent
plantings, were on hand to announce this year’s top winners and present them their gift certificates.

Tours were again available of Simpson Gardens as in the past. In spite of the hot and humid weather, many
families took a few moments to enjoy the park and gardens before the program.
The judges reported again this year they found there were many beautiful homes and gardens chosen. A
slideshow presentation featured all 24 of the selected homes.
Coordinators Karen and Hobie Johnson said after the ceremony they had two families thank them for
choosing their property and putting a sign in their yard.
The Johnsons said those homeowners said the program helped bring the entire block together. Neighbors
came over to congratulate them which gave them a stronger sense of community and pride.
"Many families also told us that there were many cars that drove slowly by their homes after the
signs were placed and the article was in the paper announcing the preliminary winners," the
Johnsons wrote. "The families who attended enjoyed being part of the program and helping to make
Bowling Green a more beautiful place."
The 2011 Beautiful BG award winners:
Front yard
Jeff and Becky Cullen, superior
Pascal and Holli Bizarro, excellent
Sammy and Sandra Dewyer, outstanding
Accent planting
Bill Davis, Donna Marie Cash, superior
Tom and Kathy Wojciechowski, excellent
Sandra Garno, outstanding

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