Nominations due to be filed for county committee posts


COLUMBUS – Steven Maurer, State Executive Director for Ohio’s Farm Service Agency, would like to remind
farmers and producers that they have until Monday to nominate eligible candidates to serve on local FSA
county committees. "County committees are important to Ohio because they assist local farmers and
producers," said Maurer. "I encourage all producers to get involved by nominating eligible
candidates to serve on county committees."
Almost anyone participating or cooperating in a local FSA program may be a candidate. Individuals may
nominate themselves or others. All nomination forms must be received in the County FSA office or
postmarked by Aug. 1.
The nomination form is available at local FSA offices or on Ohio’s FSA homepage at: under the "I Want To" section. Voting takes place between Nov. 4
and Dec. 5. Newly elected committee members and alternates take office Jan. 1, 2012.
A producer is eligible to be a County FSA Committee member if the producer lives in the Local
Administrative Areas up for election, participates or cooperates in a program administered by FSA and is
an eligible voter. Additional information of eligibility to hold office may be obtained at your local
FSA office.
FSA county committee members make decisions on disaster and conservation programs, emergency programs,
commodity price support loan programs and other important agricultural issues. Members serve three-year
terms. Committees consist of three to five members who are elected by eligible local producers.
For more information about FSA county committees, visit your local FSA office or the FSA website at:

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