2011 4-H Honor Court named

The 2011 Honor Court
recipients included (from left) Austin Davis, Andrea Kotula, Marissa Dauer, Jessica Walls and Amy
Johnson. Hailey McCarron was unable to attend. (Photos: Enoch Wu/Sentinel-Tribune)

One of the highlights of the 4-H Style Revue Monday night was the announcement of the 2011 4-H Honor
the elite eight members of the court were announced, Sara Boyle and
Shelby Vaughn were recognized as the top two of the eight. Each will
receive a $500 scholarship.
remaining members of the Honor Court are Marissa Dauer, Austin Davis,
Amy Johnson, Andrea Kotula, Hailey McCarron and Jessica Walls. Each of
them will receive a $250 scholarship.
of the Honor Court will act as a 4-H Ambassador, often being asked to
speak at functions throughout the year including achievement and
recognition programs. They also may be invited by local clubs for
speaking engagements.
Boyle, Dauer and Walls were also named to the 2010 Honor Court.
is a 13-year member of the Tontogany Four Leaf Clovers 4-H Club. The
daughter of Roger and Judy Boyle of rural Weston, she is also a member
of the Junior Fair Board and its news reporter. She is a camp counselor,
a member of the Leadership Board, 4-H Committee and a CarTeens
instructor. She will be attending Ohio State University pursuing a
degree in Ag Communications.
has been a member of the Soaring Eagles and other clubs for 13 years.
She has been active in competing at both the county and state level. The
daughter of John and Kim Vaughn, Pemberville, she is the secretary of
the Junior Fair Board, a CarTeens instructor and heavily involved in
both the 4-H and Conservation camps. She will be attending the
University of Toledo to major in nursing.

Shelby Vaughn (left) and
Sara Boyle, were named as the top two members in the 2011 4-H Honor Court.

is a 12-year member of the BG Brigade 4-H Club. She is the daughter
Jeff and Sue Dauer, rural Bowling Green. She is the president of the
Junior Fair Board and has been a camp counselor and leader in her club,
where she is also president. She has been a CarTeens facilitator since
its inception. She will be attending Bowling Green State University this
fall with plans to attain a degree in special education.
is the only male to be named to the Honor Court in the last two years.
He is the son of Matt and Monica Davis, Cygnet. He has been a member of
Jackson Livestock 4-H for nine years and been active on numerous boards
and committees since his freshman year. Among those activities are camp
counselor, CarTeens, Leadership Board and as a Junior Fair Board member.
He plans to attend college to major in engineering.
is a senior at Bowling Green High School, and the daughter of Paul and
Laura Johnson. She is a 9-year member of the Colorful Clovers 4-H Club
and in involved as a camp counselor and on the Junior Fair Board.
the daughter of Brian and Karen Kotula, is a 12-year member of the
Dowling Stitch, Stir and Stock and Saddles and Surreys clubs. The rural
Perrysburg resident will be a senior at Eastwood High School, where she
is on the volleyball and equestrian teams.
was not in attendance on Monday as she was competing with her horse at
the Ohio State Fair, the daughter of Sara McCarron, rural Weston and
Chris McCarron, she is a member of five 4-H clubs including the Sunset
Saddlers. She is also a member of the Junior Fair Board. The Bowling
Green High School graduate will be attending ATI this fall in Wooster.
the daughter of Becky and the late Eric Walls of Grand Rapids, is a
13-year member of the Tontogany Four Leaf Clovers 4-H Club. She is also a
member of the 4-H Leadership Board, and a three-year member of the
Junior Fair Board. She is also part of the Quilters Club and a veteran
camp counselor.
The recent graduate of Otsego High School will be attending Miami University this fall with plans to
major in history.
all eight members of the Honor Court are vying to be part of the Wood
County Fair Royal Court in the Queen and King contest with results to be
announced Tuesday night following the annual kick-off parade.
were 15 top 4-H members, age 16 and older who prepared an application
with an essay and were interviewed by a panel of judges on Sunday.
The top eight were chosen based on those applications and interviews.
other finalists were Bethanie Davis, Shelby George, Samantha Scott,
Abby Sell, Maggie Selzer, Justin Swhihart and Staci Thomson.
Though the program is a fairly recent addition to the 4-H line-up, it has become a very cherished and
honored achievement.
Funding for the Honor Court is a result of the support of the 4-H milkshake barn.