Lake needs loan for new building


MILLBURY – The Lake Township Trustees are taking out a loan to cover $500,000 in cost overruns for its
new administration building.
At Tuesday’s meeting, the trustees entered into a loan agreement with Genoa Bank for $500,000 over 15
years at a 4 percent fixed interest rate to pay for additional construction costs on the new
administration building.
The extra money is mainly needed for a metal roof and for parking lots, which were not covered by
"It’s been a frugal operation … there’s not a lot of fluff there. It’s a good, functional
building," said Mark Hummer, who is the township police chief and administrator.
Trustee Ron Sims said the board feels obligated to offer the public a 21st century building – not just
replace a dated facility.
"We have an opportunity to do that and we’re taking advantage of it," he said.
Bowen said the parking areas at the former administration building were poor before a June 5 tornado
destroyed the facility.
"There’s certainly no sense in building a beautiful new building and having a yucky parking
lot," she said. "Do it right the first time – that’s what our feeling is."
She added that the trustees may not need the entire $500,000 loan, and may repay it earlier.
Fiscal Officer Vicki Schwamberger said the only other debt the township carries is $300,000 on a fire
The replacement cost for the new administration building, not including the contents, is $1.7 million.

Also at the meeting, the trustees denied payment to an East Broadway Street woman whose mailbox was
damaged by a snowplow.
Bowen said the woman’s mailbox was damaged by a Wood County snowplow. The county, Bowen said, plows her
street, not the township.
Bowen made a motion to reimburse Bess Cochran $50 for the mailbox damage, but it did not have a second.

Also at the meeting, the trustees:
¥ Voted to spend $7,285 for preventative maintenance inspection and servicing for five fire units. The
work will be done on-site by Carnegie Body Co., Cleveland.
¥ Renewed an accident and health insurance supplemental policy used by the fire department with Love
Insurance Agency, Willoughby, for $3,570.
¥ Approved spending $3,500 for the testing of 42 self-contained breathing apparatus and 25 face pieces,
to be conducted by Fire Safety Services Inc., Hunstville. Also, $3,000 will be spent for testing of 84
high-pressure cylinders used in conjunction with SCBAs.
¥ Approved spending $2,000 for road mower repairs, which will be done by Streaker Tractor Sales and
Repair, Fremont.
¥ Voted to spend $700 to install a new concrete sidewalk at the road department entrance.
¥ Hired firefighters James Foster and Benjamin O’Neal for station 1 and Dave Devore and Daniel Flores for
station 2. The total roster is up to 50 firefighters, said Fire Chief Todd Walters. Firefighter Todd
Klavinger’s resignation was accepted.
¥ Approved re-hiring George Crews as a cemetery seasonal worker for $10 an hour.

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