Walbridge plants seeds for garden


WALBRIDGE – If it takes a village to raise a child, it might also take a whole town to pull through tough
That’s the thinking of Liz Older, a village resident, who proposed creating a community garden at
Wednesday’s council meeting.
"I’ve just been think a lot lately about ‘it takes a village to raise a child,’" she said.
A garden for Walbridge residents to nurture and weed, then reap the harvest, could help a lot of people
in this down economy, Older said.
"I know there’s a lot of struggling people in this town," she said after the meeting.
She envisions people and businesses donating packets of seeds or small trees, and even planting a pumpkin
patch for picking in the fall.
"I think it’s a wonderful idea," said Acting Mayor Ed Kolanko after the meeting.
He said space may be available at St. Jerome Church. When a school was open at the parish, students and
teachers tended a garden there, he said.
Also, local Cub Scouts called the town hall recently to inquire about doing an Earth Day project with the
village, Kolanko said, and this garden could be a good fit.
He referred the idea to the buildings and lands committee.
Volunteers will be out in droves on Saturday, thanks to CSX Corp.
Sue Hart-Douglas, chairwoman of the parks, recreation and community events committee, said 24 employees
from the company are volunteering their time at three of Walbridge’s parks.
They’ll be working on ball diamonds and painting the pool at Railway and Loop parks and Aqua Terrace.
In other parks business, council approved fees for Aqua Terrace memberships. Pool membership prices will
remain the same as last year for resident single ($75), resident family ($150) and non-resident single
($100). The fee for non-resident family increased from $175 to $200.
Memberships can be purchased at a 10-percent discount at Walbridge-Fest on May 21 and Family Fun Day,
June 11, at Aqua Terrace.
The pool will be open from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Also at the meeting, council:
¥ Approved permanent appropriations for the year of $1.2 million. Kolanko said the numbers were the same
as the temporary appropriations approved earlier this year.
¥ Approved giving Sarah Szmanski a $50 restaurant gift card for her help with two informational tax days
in the village.
¥ Set several committee meetings, which will be held at the town hall: buildings and lands, April 14,
6:30 p.m.; budget and finance, April 18, 5 p.m., and parks, recreation and community events, April 18, 6
p.m. Block watch will be April 20 after the 6:30 p.m. council meeting.

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