Pemberville residents are urged to pick up


PEMBERVILLE – Two village officials are pushing a revival of community pride and picking up trash.
"Keeping the town looking nice is a battle," Council Member Eric Campbell said Tuesday night.
"Coming home from work I put my eyes to the gutter and see cans and bottles and litter. I don’t
know what’s wrong with people anymore. It’s driving me nuts to see this."
"I hear what you say," Mayor James Opelt responded.
"We’ve got a nice town here. Pick it up people. Help us out," Campbell said.
Opelt recalled that he encouraged people to start block parties a few years ago as a way for neighbors to
get to know one another and talk about issues. "I think maybe there were two parties, one of them I
hosted. The village even volunteered to block off streets to help out."
Campbell also announced the next curbside brush pickup for May 1. Items are to be curbside by 7 a.m.
Council also:
¥ Approved by a 4-2 vote the recommendation of the Personnel Committee to hire Sandy Miesmer as the new
board of public affairs clerk at $13 an hour, with an increase of up to $1 per hour after a 90-day
review. Campbell and Larry Bockbrader voted no.
¥ Discussed quotes for painting and repairs at the swimming pool ranging from $11,628 to $13,728. Another
option is that the village will spend $4,800 for paint and supplies, with the work being done by the
pool manager, staff and other volunteers. A decision is likely at the April 19 meeting.
¥ Discussed repairs for the tennis courts, with quotes ranging from $5,700 to $12,780. No decision was
made but the need for a recreation levy to help with maintenance was mentioned.
¥ Heard a citizen repeat a request for a police officer to be at Pemberville Elementary for 30 minutes in
the morning and afternoon when students are arriving and leaving school.

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