Rhetoric rises, clock ticks down on NFL talks

WASHINGTON (AP) — Back on the brink.
The NFL and the
players’ union headed into the final 24 hours of their twice-extended
collective bargaining agreement with little apparent progress on key
economic issues. And a public series of back-and-forth barbs made it
sound as if the league is close to its first work stoppage in nearly a
quarter of a century.
"Everyone knows where the calendar is," lead
NFL negotiator Jeff Pash said Thursday night. "Everyone knows what’s
potentially on the table tomorrow."
The league’s labor contract
originally was to expire last week. The sides agreed to push that
deadline to Friday; if a deal isn’t reached, there could be another
What certainly appeared more likely, given Thursday’s
tone, was that talks could break off, leading to a lockout by owners or
decertification by the union, followed by antitrust lawsuits by players —
actions that could threaten the 2011 season.
"Things can come together quickly," Pash said after the sides spent a 15th day in mediation.
"Things can fall apart quickly,"
of the 10 members of the owners’ labor committee joined NFL
Commissioner Roger Goodell at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Service — but, the union complained, none of the owners met with any of
the players on hand.
Even though there were small-group talks
between NFL and union representatives Thursday, no one gave any
indication that there was movement on the key issues. Indeed, the
loudest words came in the evening, sparked by comments from Pash.
said it many times: If both sides have an equal commitment to getting
this deal done, it will get done," he said. "I don’t know if both sides
have an equal commitment. … Obviously, we have the commitment."
that was relayed to NFL Players Association spokesman George Atallah,
he responded with an e-mail to The Associated Press that said: "Jeff
Pash was part of an executive team that sold the networks a $4 billion
ticket to a game they knew wouldn’t be played. The only thing they’ve
been committed to is a lockout."
That is a reference to a court
ruling last week, when the federal judge overseeing NFL labor matters
sided with players in their case accusing owners of improperly
negotiating TV deals to prepare for a work stoppage.
NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith then went back to the mediator’s office to respond to Pash’s
statement himself.
have been committed to this process. But for anyone to stand and turn
to the American people and say they question that?" Smith said. "Look, I
understand that there’s probably some things Jeff Pash just has to say,
but this is the truth: We know that as early as March of 2009 … the
National Football League engaged in a strategy to get $4 billion of
television money … even if the games weren’t played."
in, NFL spokesman Greg Aiello tweeted: "When is union going to respond
to our 150 pages of draft CBA provisions that they received eight days
ago. Waiting."
Smith also tweeted that he would inform the players
where things stand at 2 p.m. EST Friday, saying "Players stay strong!
Stay informed."
The NFL hasn’t lost games to a work stoppage since
1987, when a strike shortened the season and some games included
nonunion replacement players. The foundation of the current CBA was
reached in 1993 by then-Commissioner Paul Tagliabue and union chief Gene
Upshaw. It has been extended five times as annual revenues soared above
$9 billion, the league expanded to 32 teams, and new stadiums were
The 2006 contract extension was the final major act for
Tagliabue, who then retired, succeeded by Goodell. An opt-out clause for
each side was included in that deal, and the owners exercised it in May
2008 — three months before Upshaw died. Smith replaced Upshaw in March
Two months later, Smith wrote Goodell a letter, asking for
detailed financial statements from each of the 32 teams and the league
as a whole. The NFL offered to turn over other economic data this week,
and the NFLPA rejected that proposal, saying the investment bank
advising the union determined the information would be "utterly
meaningless" during the negotiations.
The NFL, meanwhile, said the union was offered unprecedented financial data, including some the league
doesn’t share with clubs.
Pash indicated there hadn’t been movement on that issue Thursday.
dispute centers on money: how to divide the billions in revenues, how
much of that should go to owners off the top to cover certain costs, and
the union’s demand for what it calls "financial transparency."
the old CBA, owners received an immediate $1 billion to go toward
operating expenses before splitting remaining revenues with players.
Owners initially tried to add another $1 billion to that, and while they
have lowered the up-front figure they want — at least down to an
additional $800 million — Smith said it is still too much.
labor committee members present Thursday were Jerry Richardson of the
Panthers, Pat Bowlen of the Broncos, Jerry Jones of the Cowboys, John
Mara of the Giants, Art Rooney II of the Steelers, Clark Hunt of the
Chiefs, Mark Murphy of the Packers, Dean Spanos of the Chargers and Mike
Brown of the Bengals. Eagles president Joe Banner and Redskins general
manager Bruce Allen also were there.
While Mara, Hunt and Murphy
occasionally participated in the talks since mediation began Feb. 18, a
group this large attended only one previous session, last week.
only missing member of the key league group was Patriots owner Robert
Kraft, part of a delegation visiting Israel with Massachusetts Gov.
Deval Patrick. Asked Thursday whether he expects next season to start on
time, Kraft said: "That’s my belief."
There have been various
issues discussed during negotiations, including the owners’ push to
increase the regular season from 16 games to 18; a rookie wage scale;
and benefits for retired players.
But the rift is mainly about revenues.
the acrimony — temporarily tamped down at federal mediator George
Cohen’s insistence when he began overseeing talks Feb. 18 — was out
there for everyone to see Thursday night.
"We’re going to be back here (Friday)," Smith said, "because we want football to