Organizations: Mid Morning Belles (03-05-11)

The Feb. 23 meeting was held at the Pemberville Library.
The 11 members present answered roll call by stating if they had an antique doll. Some brought old dolls
to share. Lois Hansen brought two of her mother’s dolls, which are more than 100 years old.
Mary Kohring and Hansen served a brunch of blueberry coffee cake, pumpkin roll and fruit.
Senior Councilor Eloise Reitzel opened the meeting by reading a Scottish essay.
Guest speaker was Sue Welty, assisted by Cathy Frederick. Welty showed many antique dolls and told each
one’s history.
The March 23 meeting will be at the home of Jo Libbe. Guest speaker will be Judy Sayen, who will show how
to make flower pot mushrooms. Members are to bring in a one half-inch or smaller paint brush and a glue