SLL wrestling champions

Otsego won the Suburban Lakes League Middle School wrestling championship recently. Team members are
(front left) Austin Jacobs, Caleb Baus, David Glenn, Trenton Soto, Buddy Limes, Donald Hardison and Nick
Miller. In the second row are Austin Steele, Zach Zuhlsdorf, Aaron Roberts, Austin Glosser, Zach
Schreiber, Riley Tercha and Mike Hoiles. In the back are coach Roy McIntire, Kenny Knickmeyer and coach
Joe Gerwin.

Otsego won the Suburban Lakes League Middle School wrestling championship recently. Team members are
(front left) Austin Jacobs, Caleb Baus, David Glenn, Trenton Soto, Buddy Limes, Donald Hardison and Nick
Miller. In the second row are Austin Steele, Zach Zuhlsdorf, Aaron Roberts, Austin Glosser, Zach
Schreiber, Riley Tercha and Mike Hoiles. In the back are coach Roy McIntire, Kenny Knickmeyer and coach
Joe Gerwin.