BG students raise $ for Relay for Life

Marissa Ramos (left) and
Rachel Clark are pictured handing out candy grams (shown below) to Kelsey Hetrick and other students
Monday at Bowling Green Middle School. (Photos: Andrew Weber/Sentinel-Tribune)

Marissa Ramos, an 8th grader at Bowling Green Middle School, has participated in the Bowling Green Relay
for Life for the past three years. She, along with her mother, Veronica, were members of the A.A. Green
Realty Team.
This year Marissa decided to put together her own team of kids to participate in the relay.
She asked Austin Ezzone to be co-captain of the team. They have 11 other students on their team so far –
Katie Baker, Stefanie Gonzales, Taylor Boggs, Emma Leader, Matthew Galliger, Emmy Sehman, Susan Johnson,
Jess Root, Hope Teggart, Harper Craft and Rachel Clark.
They call their team "BGMS Kids Against Cancer" and have even set up a facebook page.
The team held its first fundraiser for Valentine’s Day. Giving up their lunch period all last week, they
sold Valentine Candygrams for 25 cents each. Students could fill them out with a special message to a
friend to be delivered to their study hall on Valentine’s Day.
"The team didn’t anticipate the volume of candygrams they would sell, but they sold over 600!,"
said Marissa’s mother. The team delivered all 600 candygrams on Monday.
The money earned from this fundraiser will all be donated to American Cancer Society for the Relay that
is being held at the Bowling Green High School Stadium on May 20 and 21.