11th frame: Money raised for scholarships (02-15-11)

More than $5,000 was raised on Friday as Varsity Lanes again hosted the Ohio Agriculture Scholarship
The JH Ward Insurance Agency was the champion, while the local team of Varsity Lanes placed third. The
Varsity team was led by Gary Richardson with games of 249 and 214 in his 652; and Sean Richardson with
204 and 206 for 593. Chris Hines and Dan Hines completed the team,
Immediately following the event, the top 24 individuals were divided into two divisions for a one-game
elimination match play round. Gary Richardson was the tournament leader in the A division, but was
eliminated in the first round. Chris Hines finished as runnerup in the B division.
County firefighters: Weston Fire won the annual Wood County Firemen tournament on Saturday at Varsity
Lanes. The team totaled 2,965 with handicap edging Risingsun by 42 pins.
Jeff Helberg led Weston with games of 245 and 206 for 607. Jeff Griffith added a 502. Larry Vollmar, Mark
Trumbull and Scott Trumbull competed the championship team.
Risingsun at 2,923 was led by Mike Shultz, with games of 204 and 200 for 587, and Chuck Krotzer with a
200 game and 519 set.
Third place went to Washington Township at 2,889, led by John O’Brien with 213, 558. Weston 2, was fourth
at 2,879, led by Mike Davies with 207, 511.
Other top individual scores included Brad Wade who had the tournament high with 227, 236 and 234 for 697.
Ed Mikonwics bowled 214, 203 for 592 and Ted Francisco had a 202 game.
Tour challenge: Joe Kominek won the weekly "Tour Challenge" event on Sunday at Varsity Lanes
for the second time in three weeks. He adds to his season lead with a total of 16 points.
Kominek was fourth seed with a 728 qualifying score, and won all three matches in the stepladder finals.
He defeated, in order (qualifying scores) Kyle Brossia (740) 233-172; Larry Oskins (747), 278-240; and
top qualifier John Emmerich (748), 193-173. The champion pocketed $100. Emmerich earned $60 for second.

Youth of the Week: Youth bowlers who bowled the most pins over their average in any one game last week,
with pins over, were:
Al-Mar: Bantam/Prep, Blayne Keller, 56; Cailyn Overhulse, 43; Major/Junior, Jacob Spangenberg and Jorden
Hammye, both, 43; and Alisha Noon, 37.
Varsity: None reported.
Surviving the game: The four bowlers eliminated in Al-Mar’s "Surviving the Game" with pins
under average were: Bill Ryan, 139 and Yogi Lorenzen, 69, both of the American League, and Mark Wolford
in both the Eagles and Randy Miller Classic, 75, and 60, respectively.
High rollers:
Bowler (Lanes)
Game Series
House shot
Jodie Wint (A) 259,225 706
Yogi Lorenzen (A)
249,246 673
Pancha Melendrez (A)
257,226 671
Pancha Melendrez (A)
245,225 636
Pancha Melendrez (A)
236,226 631
Robin Butler (V) 226 630
same set 251 881
Tiff Turner (A) 237 610
Pancha Melendrez (A) 235 –
Paul Flavell (V) – 778
Ron Steinman Jr. (A) – 758
Ryan Taber (V) 288 –
Bob Boltz (A) 279 –
Kyle Friedley (A) 279 –
Chuck Reynolds Jr. (V)
279 –
Gary Schluchter (A) 279 –
Dave Walter (A) 279 –
Donnie Backus (A) 278 –
Ron Steinman Jr. (A) 278 –
Youth tourney shot
Jacob Spangenberg (A)
234 –
Derek Griffin (A) 225 –
Lucas Jenne (A) 221 –
Alisha Noon (A) 206 –