BG police investigate woman’s death


Bowling Green Police are investigating the death of a Bowling Green woman.
Peggy Leatherman, 57, was found outside her North Enterprise Street home Monday morning and had
reportedly been there overnight. Officers were called to the address sometime before 10 a.m. after
Leatherman, a long-time employee of Sam B’s restaurant, didn’t show up for work Monday morning.
The low Sunday night was 27, according to the National Weather Service reporting station at the city’s
wastewaster treatment plant.
Wood County Coroner Dr. Douglas W. Hess has not issued a ruling on the cause of death, and police Lt. Ken
Fortney hesitated this morning to release any information until then.
"I would rather not release anything until the coroner makes his ruling," he stated.
The Lucas County coroner’s office is conducting the autopsy.

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