11th Frame: Women claim local Super Bowl title

Yogi Lorenzen, Carrie Lorenzen and Anita Sharpe, bowling as the Eagles, claimed the championship Sunday
in Al-Mar Lanes’ annual Super Bowl "Footbowl" tournament. In the special scoring they defeated
the Jets in the title match, 41-29.
The grueling tournament involved converting bowling scores to football scores, based on head-to-head
matches and team game wins. The Eagles shared $420 in prize money; while the Jets, Jake Wint, Bob
Desmond and Donnie Backus shared in $198.
Yogi Lorenzen had games of 246, 189, 217 and 200 in the title match to lead her team, including three
individual game wins. Similarly Carrie Lorenzen won three of her four games as she bowled 165, 201, 209
and 195. Sharpe lost all four games to Desmond, but helped the team win three of its four games with her
top efforts of 193 and 202.
Backus was high for the Jets with games of 225, 212, 232 and 231. Desmond won his mathces with 207, 215,
193 and 216.
Third place went to the Vikings, Nate Henschen, Adam Dilsaver and Chris Bagrowski; and fourth place was
claimed by the Colts, Zach Steinman, Ron May and Ron Steinman. Each semifinalist team won $96.
Tour challenge: John Ferrera defeated Joe Kominek 263-236 on Sunday to claim the weekly "Tour
Challenge" at Varsity Lanes. The two had tied at 761 in qualifying and Ferrera also claimed the top
seed winning a ninth and 10th frame roll-off. Ferrera claimed the $60 first prize.
Kyle Brossia defeated Larry Hall in the opening stepladder match 255-221. Kominek then defeated Brossia
259-226 in the semifinal. Brossia thus finished third and Hall, fourth.
Kominek leads Ferrera in the season points with 10 to nine for Ferrera. Ken North is in third with five
Tournament postponed: The Wood County firefighters tournament scheduled for Saturday at Varsity was
postponed one week due to the weather.
USBC awards: Both Brent Norris and Dean Bressler recorded 299 games last week to earn United States
Bowling Congress 11-in-a-row awards. Norris rolled his in the Monday Night Trio league at Varsity Lanes;
while Bressler followed on Thursday in the Randy Miller Classic at Al-Mar.
Youth of the Week:
Youth bowlers who bowled the most pins over their average last week, with pins over, were as follows.
Al-Mar: Bantam/Prep, Nick McIntyre, 53; Charlotte Perez, 34; Major/Junior, Chase Ferguson, 63; Kyra
Beeker, 60.
Varsity: Bantam/Prep, Joshua Dennis, 36; Maddie Mossbarger, 35; Major/Junior, Jeremy Stephens, 59; Sierra
Semko, 42.
Surviving the game: The four bowlers eliminated in Al-Mar’s "Surviving the Game" with pins
under average were: Jim Darby, Randy Miller Classic, 103; Brian Close, Sentinel Classic, 77; Betsy
Winnick, Stadium View Ladies, 75; Jeri Dingman, Ladies Major, 67.
High Rollers:
Bowler (Lanes) Game Series
House shot
Brent Norris (V) 299,278998
Jay Young (V) 278987
Dean Bressler (A) 299-
Joe Kominek (V) 287-
Dave Walter (A) 286-
Brian Close (V) 280-
Brian Orth (A) 279-
Ryan Taber (V) 275-
JoJo Ramsey (V) 270-
Pancha Melendrez (A) 236634
Yogi Lorenzen (A) 234612
Jodie Wint (A) 236-
Youth tourney shot
Chase Ferguson (A) 225610
Kyra Beeker (A) 213569