BG gala features an array of arts

The preview of a documentary on Latin music, and performances by musicians, poets, comedians and dancers
will be featured at a gala party and awards ceremony sponsored by WEPAwebTV and BARRIO SETV Friday at 8
p.m. at Sam Bs in downtown Bowling Green.
Shown at the party will be an initial cut of the documentary "Salsa: The Untold Story," a
co-production of WEPAwebTV and, which will be submitted to next year’s Sundance Film
The film traces how Latin music came to be known as salsa, and how the music was marketed under the new
Performers at the gala will be the Detroit soul band Turbulence featuring Katrina Barnhill , saxophone,
Ron Martin, lead guitar, Mike "Stixx Almighty" Darby, drums, and Marvin Dobbs, bass guitar.
performers from the New York El Extremes Electric Cabaret with Maria Hernandez, and from Toledo DJ Mel
"Mad Dog" Johnson, Rebels Without Applause Poets, Erotica Poets, Vocal Incorporated Poets and
the La Galeria "Rane Arroyo" Spoken Word Troupe.
Artists and performers honored at the gala will be Emanuel Enriquez, of Bowling Green, and from Toledo,
Rick Gerbeck, Steven Jay Athanas, Maria Rodriguez Winter, Imanee Lateef and Megan Yasu.
Admission is $5 and $3 for students.
Luis Chaluisan is producing the event.