Rossford seeks council member


ROSSFORD – Those interested in sitting in the city council seat vacated by Jim Richards have until next
Tuesday to get their resumes in.
Already five candidates have stepped forward.
On Monday, city council said it would hold a committee of the whole meeting Jan. 20 at 6 p.m. to
interview candidates and then meet in special session on Jan. 24 at 6 p.m. before council’s regularly
scheduled meeting at 7 p.m.
The five aspirants who have come forward so far are:
¥ Jackie Brown, a member of the Rossford Board of Education and unsuccessful candidate for state
representative in the last election.
¥ Dennis Foy, a former police chief and former member of council.
¥ Robert Ruse, a member of the city’s planning commission.
¥ Gerald Staczek, a city resident most recently involved in the campaign to defeat the school building
bond levy.
¥ Craig Tymiak, who works in the transportation department of the City of Toledo and appeared before
council in 2006 to oppose a housing development off Lime City Road.
Richards announced in December that he was stepping down from council as of Dec. 31, citing personal
reasons. He served a total of 18 years on council.
The resident appointed to fill the seat would have to stand for election in November to fill the two
remaining years in that term.

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