Sports Briefs: 11-27

Koles bowls 800 series
Ron Koles, bowling in the Monday Night Trio League at Varsity Lanes, rolled an 805 series on Monday. He
had games of 266, 261 and 278. He added a 225 final game for a 1,030 four-game block.
BG Rifle Club wins
The Bowling Green Rifle Club defeated Meeker, 1,401-1,152. Meeker did not field a full team.
Results for BG were: Jan Spohn, Bob Schwiebert, and Norbert Norden, 283 each; Richard Dittman, 279; and
Don Link, 273.
Fundraiser for Jr. Bobcat
U-12 baseball team set
A fundraiser for the Bowling Green Jr. Bobcat U-12 baseball team is Wednesday from 4-7 p.m. at the
McDonald’s on South Main Street in BG.