Rossford girls start new era

Rossford returning
letter winners. Back row, from left: 10, 15, 14. Front row, from left: 4, 33, 32. (Photo: Aaron

ROSSFORD – There’s a sense of a new era around the Rossford girls’ basketball program.
New head coach Kevin Mitchell takes over a team that has struggled for wins in recent years, but the
veteran coach already appears to have a new attitude around the program.
Mitchell, who coached Rossford’s Northern Lakes League rival Southview for 16 years during which time his
teams won six NLL championships, has already seen a change for the better in a team that went 2-20
overall last season.
"I think the kids have worked really hard. I think they’ve kind of accepted what we’re trying to do
here," Mitchell said. "It’s different than some of the things they did a year ago. But they’ve
bought into it and they’ve been working really hard."
Mitchell hasn’t been a head coach since 2000, but the Rossford resident was an assistant coach for the
Bulldogs from 2004-2007. He has a career record of 240-110. However, wins might not be easy to come by
for a Rossford team that hasn’t won the NLL since 1993.
No player averaged more than 10 points for the Bulldogs last season, and Rossford’s best rebounder, Anne
Yenrick (6.1 per game), was lost to graduation.
"We’ve got some things to get better at but I think we’ve been pretty good. I’ve been very impressed
with how hard the kids have been working," Mitchell said. "The big thing we’ve tried to
emphasize is team … When you go 2-20 obviously there’s going to be some negatives. So we’ve really
tried to be positive."
The Bulldogs return six letter winners from a team that went 1-13 and tied for last place in the NLL.
Leading the returners for Rossford is a pair of senior wings – Nicole Nirschl (5-foot-8) and Darian Kusz
"Both of them have done very well in the preseason. They’re kind of the leaders because they’ve been
here a couple years," Mitchell said.
Also playing a big role for the Bulldogs is a transfer from Toledo Central Catholic, Courtney Trenchik
(5-6), who lettered for the Irish last season. She will see the majority of the time at the point guard

Kevin Mitchell

Also returning are: juniors Tara Kanary (5-7, wing), Ashley Cassavore (5-8, wing) and Abbey Geraghty
(5-10, post)
According to Mitchell, the Bulldogs will need to keep opponents from putting up big points because of
their lack of offensive firepower.
Last season Rossford’s offense averaged 31.9 points per game while the defense allowed an average of
"Our defense has been our strength," Mitchell said. "Our offense has lagged a little
behind, but we’re getting better in that area."
Mitchell also pointed to senior post Brittany Igo (5-8) and junior wing Megan Hirzel (5-7) as playing
important roles. Sophomores Sarah Waggoner (5-7, wing) and Kasey Geraghty (5-10, post) and freshman
Alaina Mitchell (5-10, post) round out the Bulldogs’ roster.
"We’re not particularly big so we feel that pressing and up-tempo is probably going to benefit
us," he added.
Mitchell, who has experienced obvious success before at the high school level while at Southview, knows
this year may have its share of growing pains.
"Sure, it’s a challenge. Every season is a new challenge. In that sense it’s not any
different," Mitchell said. "I don’t know that there’s been a strong tradition here. But you’ve
got to start somewhere. We feel, the coaching staff, that we can build that. It takes a lot of hard
Rossford has 22 players between its varsity and junior varsity teams, a number that is up from the past.

"We feel good about that. I think there’s some interest," Mitchell said. "The most
important thing is the kids are working hard and at this point they’re believing in what we’re doing.

"When we get under fire … there’s going to be some ups and downs. It really boils down to hard
Nov. 28 – at Anthony Wayne#
Dec. 1 – at Fostoria
Dec. 11 – at Perrysburg#
Dec. 21 – SWANTON
Dec. 28 – at Woodmore
Jan. 15 – MAUMEE#
Jan. 22 – at Southview#
Jan. 23 – at Clay
Jan. 30 – at Northview#
Feb. 2 – at Bowling Green#
Feb. 6 – at Springfield#
Feb. 13 – LAKE
Feb. 16 – at Maumee#