Otsego girls basketball led by veterans

Otsego’s girls return 10
letter winners this season. In the front (from left) are: Hannah Greulich, Katelyn Downing, Kylee
Bernthisel, Jamie Limes, and Kenzie Chalfant. In the back are: Ashley Holzwart, Baley Bernthisel, Alison
Hedges, Emily Limes, and Micaela Murphy. (Photo: Aaron Carpenter/Sentinel-Tribune)

TONTOGANY — There’s a lot to like regarding Otsego’s girls basketball team.
Most of all, the Knights return 10 letter winners from last season when they finished 13-9 overall and
8-6 in the Suburban Lakes League.
Among the veterans are four returning senior starters and two seniors who saw extensive playing time.
The returnees are led by three seniors — first-team All-SLL pick Baley Bernthisel, second-team honoree
Ashley Holzwart and honorable mention selection Katelyn Downing.
The Knights believe their roster includes a mix of youth and experience, inside and outside scoring, size
and quickness, and the ability to rebound and play solid defense.
“It’s a well-rounded team. I can’t say we have one glaring strength or one glaring weakness, but we do a
lot of things well,” Otsego coach Scott Bernthisel said.
The Knights and Woodmore tied for third in the SLL coaches poll behind defending champion Lake and Genoa.
Otsego and Woodmore finished just one point behind Genoa.
“Our goal is to be playing in big games at the end of the year, whether it be in a league championship
game or a game that matters in the league race,” coach Bernthisel said.
“We want to be in that first group in the league. With a few breaks and some good play, we want to be
able to compete with Lake and be up near the top.”
The other returning seniors are seniors Jamie Limes, Emily Limes, and Alison Hedges.
“They’re going to be the six we look to for basically everything, leadership, scoring, defense,” coach
Bernthisel said. “They really understand the game.”
The other returning letter-winners are sophomores — Hannah Greulich, Kylee Bernthisel and Micaela Murphy;
and junior Kenzie Chalfant.
“We have a few other promising pieces who can fit in the mix,” coach Bernthisel said. “We’re looking for
big things from them as well.”
Holzwart, a 5-foot-8 wing, led the team in scoring last season at 12.6 points per game.
“She’s our scorer,” the coach said. “We’ll set up different things to get the ball in her hands and get
her open shots.”
Baley Bernthisel (5-10) averaged 10.8 points and 10.4 rebounds per game in the post.
“We’re going to look for her do a lot of things — rebound, defense, score,” coach Bernthisel said of his
daughter. “We look for her to be a true team player and do whatever’s asked of her on a given night.”

Scott Bernthisel

Joining Bernthisel in the post is the 5-11 Hedges, who started last season.
“She’s developed a real good outside shot and really improved her inside game,” coach Bernthisel said.

Downing (5-8) returns at point guard.
“She’s very athletic,” coach Bernthisel said. “She keeps getting better and she has a lot of confidence
in her skills.”
Emily Limes (5-7) is a post, but can play all five positions.
“She’ll do whatever we ask,” coach Bernthisel said.
Jamie Limes is a 5-7 wing.
“She’s had some real good scrimmages shooting the ball,” coach Bernthisel said.
Greulich (5-8), Kylee Bernthisel (5-6), Murphy (5-9) and Chalfant (5-7) will allow the Knights to play a
faster-paced game. Most of their playing time last season came on the junior varsity team. Kylee
Bernthisel also is a daughter of the head coach.
“We’re expecting them to step in and contribute at the varsity level right away,” coach Bernthisel said.
“The younger group has more quickness, so we’ll be able to change the tempo with them and adjust as we
need to.”
The Knights scored 51.4 points per game and allowed 44.8 last season.
“We have to play solid defense night in and night out, and we have to be able to handle any defenses
thrown our way,” coach Bernthisel said. “Whether it’s a full-court press or a zone packed in, we have to
be able to score.
“We’ll try to push the ball in a controlled manner. We’re not fast enough to run by people, but hopefully
we’ll be fast enough and smart enough to score some fast-break baskets.”
Dec. 1 — at Evergreen
Dec. 4 — at Woodmore#
Dec. 10 — at Gibsonburg#
Dec. 15 — LAKE#
Dec. 18 — GENOA#
Dec. 26 — at Van Buren, 1 p.m. JV start
Jan. 2 — DELTA
Jan. 4 — SWANTON
Jan. 7 — ELMWOOD#
Jan. 9 — LIBERTY CENTER, 1 p.m. JV start
Jan. 15 — EASTWOOD#
Jan. 21 — WOODMORE#
Jan. 29 — at Lake#
Feb. 4 — at Genoa#
Feb. 9 — at Elmwood#
Feb. 18 — at Eastwood#
#—Suburban Lakes League games