Juvenile court continues exchange of information


New and continuing services and programs available to schools through the Wood County Juvenile Court
system were discussed at the court’s recent 24th annual meeting for local school administrators and
service providers.
Court staff also responded to a variety of questions submitted prior to the meeting.
Presenting the program were Wood County Juvenile Court Judge David Woessner and staff from the juvenile
detention center, juvenile court’s probation department and the court appointed special advocate
In addition to superintendents, principals and other representatives from 13 school districts, also
participating were representatives of the Wood County Educational Services Center, Wood County
Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, Behavioral Connections of Wood County, Children’s Resource Center, Family
and Child Abuse Prevention Center, Wood County Department of Job and Family Services, and local law
After the meeting, Woessner said the court "appreciates the opportunity to exchange information and
ideas with those who come in contact with and work with the court."

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