BGSU must build on past, make changes


Bowling Green State University must build on the past and make changes “to take the university to
exciting new heights of performance” President Carol Cartwright said Thursday morning.
During her State of the University address, Cartwright said the university is at a turning point in its
century of service. “Now we are at the moment where it is absolutely important that we take the
opportunity that is before us. We will now begin to scale up what we have done so well in the past, so
that every student has an unmatched experience at BGSU. This is our time to bring it all together.”
The address provided an overview of the budget situation, the recently-completed strategic plan, building
of the “Connecting the Undergraduate Experience” model, enrollment, Centers of Excellence and
construction projects.
“Enrollment vitality equals fiscal sustainability,” Cartwright said. “The more we grow the student
population in both numbers and quality, the more we are able to fulfill our mission and do the things we
aspire to do.”
She said it is critical that enrollment increase in Fall 2010 and added that “there is a focused and
cohesive effort under way to show improvement.” She said part of the effort is knowing what students
want and how they expect it to be delivered. “The life cycle of a Bowling Green Student will now start
earlier (eighth grade) and continue through graduation and even to an engaged alumni status.”
Enrollment has declined the past three years.
Cartwright praised those who are planning for budget reductions, calling it “the prudent approach.” BGSU
expects to receive $5 to $10 million less in State Share of Instruction payments from the state in
fiscal 2011, which starts July 1, 2010.
“We are being creative with new ways to do our jobs and finding innovative approaches for reducing more
costs,” Cartwight said. She said one example is a pilot program that is about to be launched to manage
document printing. The program is expected to reduce costs, provide better customer service and be a
sounder environmental approach.
Plans for the Center of Excellence have been submitted to the Ohio Board of Regents for approval.
The centers are: 21st Century Educator Preparation; Sustainability and the Environment; Excellence in the
Arts: Innovation Leadership and Collaboration; Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan; and Developing
Effective Business Organizations.
The centers are part of the OBR’s efforts to reorganize and refocus the state’s colleges and
Cartwright said it is important that BGSU has launched a building and remodeling campaign as it marks its
100 anniversary. The projects include the Stroh Center, the Wolfe Center for the Arts, new and remodeled
residence halls and extensive infrastructure improvements.
“I know from experience that new construction and renovation contributes to a strong sense of positive
momentum, excitement and energy across the university,” Cartwright said.
Photo captions: BGSU President Carol Wright during Thursday morning’s State of the University Address in
the Grand Ballroom of the Bowen-Thompson Student Union. (J.D. Pooley/Sentinel-Tribune)

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