BG hockey looking for more offense


Bowling Green’s hockey team is seeking to generate more offense.
The Falcons totaled just three goals and 43 shots on goal in 3-2, 4-1 season-opening losses at Minnesota
State-Mankato last weekend.
"We have to get out of the mind-set of making that cute play, and start getting more pucks to the
net and crashing the net to score some of those ugly goals," BG coach Dennis Williams said.
"We have to make it difficult for the other team’s defense and goalies."
The Falcons had a difficult time scoring last season when they scored just 2.34 goals per game, even
though they averaged 31.5 shots per game.
This season could be another struggle as BG doesn’t have a ton of offensive skill.
MSM also did a good job of blocking shots.
"We gave up too many shot opportunities on 2-on-1s. We were looking to pass and not thinking shot
and going to the net," Williams said. "We can’t get discouraged. We have to continue shooting.
I don’t want guys to lose confidence in their ability to get pucks to the net."
POWER PLAY: The Falcons could help their offense by scoring on the power play, which was 1-of-15 at MSM.
BG’s power play was at 12.2 percent last season.
"We have to get to the point where we’re thinking two, three plays ahead and moving the puck
quicker, so we don’t give the defense a chance to set up in the shooting and passing lanes,"
Williams said.
"We have to get more pucks to the net and keep things simple, and not be too cute," BG senior
forward Josh Boyd said.
SOLWAY: BG standout forward David Solway is doubtful for Friday’s exhibition against the U.S. Under-18
Team at the Ice Arena. He didn’t travel to MSM because of a shoulder injury.
He suffered that injury and a concussion against Wilfred Laurier Oct. 3. Williams said Solway has
recovered from the concussion, but was scheduled to have another checkup this morning. He wasn’t
scheduled to practice until at least Wednesday this week.
His likely return is BG’s non-league series against Providence Oct. 23-24.
"I’d be very surprised if he’d be ready this week," Williams said. "There’s no sense
rushing him back."
ALL-STAR: BG senior captain Kyle Page is one of college hockey’s most underrated defensemen and he worked
his magic both nights at MSM.
He played more than 30 minutes each night – more than half of the game. He received his regular shift,
and skated on the power-play, penalty-killing and 4-on-4 units.
"He’s as solid as an oak back there," Williams said. "He’s a vocal leader on and off the
ice, and he backs it up with his play."
PRAISE: Williams is pleased with the play of forwards Brennan Vargas and Wade Finegan, who saw limited
action last season.
"When they’re finishing checks, getting pucks deep and forechecking hard, they’re effective,"
Williams said.
The two also have done a good job killing penalties, Williams said.
PENALTIES: Williams was unhappy with BG’s 16 penalties at MSM.
Although he attributed some of that to playing on an ice surface that was 15 feet wider, he added BG
needed to be in better shape. Fourteen of BG’s penalties were for tripping, hooking or interference.
"Conditioning comes with time," He said. "But we took too many lazy penalties. It’s not
moving your feet, being in the proper position. Those big hits, charging, boarding, elbowing, the
tenacious-type plays, we’ll kill those off. The other ones, I’m not happy with."
FULL PRICE: Although Friday’s contest is an exhibition, BG is charging full price for admission.
There was no charge for the exhibition against Wilfrid Laurier on Oct. 3.

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