Inspirational book club begins meeting again at the library


Wood County District Public Library’s popular book club, Read for Inspiration, led by Deb Born returns to
Wood County District Public Library this fall. The group’s first meeting is Wednesday at 10:30 am in the
library meeting room.
Novels selected for the group tell the stories of people overcoming adversity and making life-changing
decisions with an awareness of God’s presence in their lives. "The books depict situations that
might inspire readers to ponder changes in their own lives," said Born.
The group’s October selection is "The Road Home," by Tommy Tenney and Mark Andrew Olsen, a
contemporary re-telling of the biblical tale of Naomi and Ruth. The Road Home brings together two very
different people, a Mennonite woman and a Las Vegas cocktail waitress, as they journey towards life and
truth. Copies of "The Road Home" may be checked out from the library.
For information call (419) 352-5104.

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