Rossford roadwork bids come in low


ROSSFORD – Bids for roadwork in Rossford came in 35 percent lower than the estimated cost, and that will
mean more work done on the streets in the Crossroads of America area.
City Council Monday unanimously approved awarding a bid for roadwork to Geddis Paving &
The Toledo firm was the low bidder with $154,053 out of the five firms who were vying for the job. The
work was originally estimated to cost $237,000.
The work will involve paving in the Bruns Development, including Bruns Drive, Coral Circle, the eastern
extension of Schreier Road and Grace Way as well as roads in the Crossroads of America area.
Because the bids came in so low, additional work will be done in the Crossroads area, City Administrator
Ed Ciecka told the board. The administration will come back to council at its next meeting with a
request to spend $30,000 in Tax Incremental Financing funds to pay for additional work. That will
combine with $64,518 in TIF funding going toward the contract that was awarded.
The TIF funding comes from taxes paid by businesses in the area and can only be used for improvements in
the Crossroads.

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