Fair board approves 2nd marquee sign

Following new and recently elected returning board members were sworn in, the 2009-10 board of directors
of the Wood County Agricultural Society elected officers. They then went about the business for planning
for the next fair and beyond.
One of the major discussions centered around erecting a second LED sign. After lengthy and at times
intense discussion, the board approved the sign by a 12-8 votes with some members choosing not to vote.

Earlier this year, the board upgraded their old marquee and there is now an interest in erecting a
similar sign along Haskins Road, which is also State Route 64.
The price tag for the sign is roughly $45,000, plus a few extra costs. The base cost is the same as the
current sign which is located near the main entrance on Poe Road. That sign as well as the plan for the
new sign is mostly financed through eight squares of advertising space on the sign.
Each space costs $5,000 which will keep the advertiser on the sign for 10 years. The current advertisers
saw the value in having a sign along a busy roadway 24/7 for $500 a year.
Fair board members have indicated they have at least four prospective advertisers for a second sign, and
many believe they can sell the other spots. When all spots are sold that covers $40,000 of the sign’s
costs. The fair board would have to pick up the remainder of the charges.
The plan is to have the identical messages on both boards. In that way, the board could use the same
software they are currently using without having to purchase a complete new system.
The additional cost for the sign would be financed, in part, through advertising sold on the message
section of the sign.
Some of those voting against the sign indicated their concern was committing themselves to at minimum the
costs above $40,000 collected from the advertisers, as well as the possibility of being stuck for the
$5,000 on possibly unsold squares.
Connie Grames and Ashley Digby-Vetter were sworn in following their election to the board on the closing
day of the 2009 fair. Other returning board members elected were also again sworn in.
Jim Cessna, nominating committee chairman, oversaw the election of new officers. Rod Lucas, the current
president, was the only nominee, and he was thus elected to retain the office. Similarly Dale Brown was
the only nominee for treasurer. He thus replaces Garry Aller who served as treasurer for many years and
chose not to run after 30 years of service to the board. Bill Kale was elected as first vice president,
as he was chosen over Donald Bechstein. Bechstein was then added to the list of nominees for second vice
president. David Nietz was elected. He was chosen in a four-man race which included Steve Thomson and
John Nissen in addition to Bechstein.
The board briefly discussed ideas and suggestions from the Junior Fair Board from that group’s post-fair
In other action the board:
¥ Voted to participate in the Bowling Green Holiday Parade. Board members may ride on a horse-drawn
wagon. Nissen will provide and the board’s secretary will secure the candy for the board to disperse
along the parade route.
¥ Learned that 27 new trees will soon be planted on the fairgrounds. Additional trees are needed to
replace dead trees which have been or will soon be removed. The tractor pullers matched the $2,000
approved by the board to secure the first 27 trees. Of those trees 20 are maple and seven are locust.
Other trees may also be available to be transplanted from board and other fair officials donations from
personal property.
¥ Set the dates for the 2010 fair for Aug. 3-9.
¥ Approved the change of meeting dates to Nov. 19 and Dec. 17, due to Thanksgiving and Christmas.
¥ Tabled a motion to fill a vacant seat on the executive board.
¥ Heard from board member Krysteena Brown about some possible improvements to the boards operations as
they pertain to Robert’s Rules of Order and other board procedural items.
Once she voiced her legitimate concerns, other board members supported her concerns and added additional
areas which could be improved upon.
Brown was asked to bring additional details to the next board meeting. She agreed.