BGFD hosts open house on Sunday


October is Fire Prevention Month, and the Bowling Green Fire Division seeks to educate citizens about the
importance of fire prevention.
On Sunday, the division will host an open house at the west-side station, 1060 Pearl St., from 11 a.m. to
2 p.m. During the event, visitors may tour the fire station, view fire and ambulance vehicles, and talk
with firefighters. Other events will include:
¥ Fire extinguisher training at 1 p.m.
¥ Fire hose demonstration. Visitors will be able to test their skills by shooting a fire hose at a
¥ Perrysburg Township’s fire prevention trailer. Both adults and children will be able to practice home
safety, including how to crawl low under smoke.
¥ Thermal imaging camera presentation.
¥ Display of fire vehicles, including the extension of the 100-foot aerial ladder truck.
Adults and children are encouraged to attend the open house. "To often, adults think that safety
training only applies to children in school," said Fire Chief Stephen Meredith. "Adults need
to be taught how to keep their loved ones safe also."

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