Portage to cut police, up taxes

PORTAGE – Village council has adopted a five-year plan to put Portage on the road to recovery.
Now it just needs residents to board the bus with them.
The plan, which calls for eliminating the police department and for voters approving a 1-percent income
tax in May, will be a tough sell.
After it was adopted in a brief meeting Monday, resident Mike Stacklin asked what they were going to do
in May when Portage voters reject the tax request.
"When the tax levy fails – and it will – what’s the next step," he said.
Belinda Miller, chief project manager of the local government services division with the Ohio auditor,
said the village must increase revenue. Its only big expense was the police department, which is being
phased out by Jan. 1.
Before the vote, Councilwoman Marcia Wolford said she was having trouble with asking voters for another
tax. Council already implemented a 1 percent income tax in January, without ballot approval, which is
allowed through the Ohio Revised Code. The two income taxes will generate around $118,000 annually.
"The 1 percent income tax kills me. That we’re going to double the tax and not provide any
service," she said.
"It’s the only viable alternative," said Councilman Doug Maas.
The plan was passed with a 4-0 vote. Floyd Wilson and John Jividen were absent.
After the meeting, Mayor Mark Wolford said a lot of hard campaigning for the income tax would have to be
"It’s going to be real tough to pass it," the mayor said.
He also hopes annexation prospects on the north end of town come through – possibly bringing $60,000
annually into Portage.
Wolford met last week with representatives of DayMark Safety Systems, Century Marketing and Greenline
"It was a very good meeting and we had very good conversations," he said.
Wolford did admit that officials from the three companies weren’t thrilled at the prospect of joining the
village, with the income taxes looming. The only advantage for the companies, the mayor said, is a lower
sewer rate.
However, Wolford said, the businesses are prepared to stand by a 2001 agreement they have to annex into
Portage if a contiguous landowner also annexes. Discussions are ongoing with that man, he said.
Miller, with the auditor’s office, also gave an update on the village’s possible plan to sell the town
hall. She said money from a property sale could not be used for operations.
"So if you were to sell this building it would do nothing to alleviate your problem," Miller
Portage’s five-year recovery plan now goes before a financial planning and supervision commission for
approval Oct. 6 at 6 p.m.
Miller said the plan could be reviewed at any time, most likely annually.
The village was put into fiscal emergency by the state in April. According to the plan adopted Monday, it
will have revenues of $289,685 this year and expenditures of $418,507 for a $128,822 deficit.
With the new income tax and the police department cut, the village could have a positive balance of
$48,880 by 2011.