Lemoyne reunion held

Mary Young Jacobs (from left), Lana Young, and Carol Zenz chat at the beginning of the Lemoyne School
all-classes reunion held last Saturday. This was the first such all-school reunion since 2002 and 71
people attended. The oldest person present was Violet Recker, 89, a resident of Portage Valley. A tour
of the school was followed by a program and dinner, both on-site. Lemoyne School’s final graduating
class, 1948, numbered four members – all female, of whom three were present for the reunion.Mary Young
Jacobs (from left), Lana Young, and Carol Zenz chat at the beginning of the Lemoyne School all-classes
reunion held last Saturday. This was the first such all-school reunion since 2002 and 71 people
attended. The oldest person present was Violet Recker, 89, a resident of Portage Valley. A tour of the
school was followed by a program and dinner, both on-site. Lemoyne School’s final graduating class,
1948, numbered four members – all female, of whom three were present for the reunion.