CROP Walk for hunger returns

The annual local CROP Walk for hunger will be held Oct. 3 at 11 a.m. beginning at the Kiwanis Shelter at
City Park in Bowling Green.
Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty, more commonly referred to as CROP, uses the theme "We
walk because they walk," a reference to many hungry people in developing countries who walk as much
as six miles a day to get food, water and fuel, and to take their goods to market.
Money from the walk goes to the national Church World Service to help provide food and other resources
for those in need. An important aspect of the annual walk is that at least 25 percent of the funds
remain at the local level, The Bowling Green Christian Food Pantry will be the beneficiary of the local
The local chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will provide matching funds.
Walkers will represent various local churches and the public is invited to attend and be part of the
annual walk.
Anyone wishing more information or to be part of the walk may call Jo Vernon, (419) 353-2683; Lyn Long
(419) 352-8019; or Connie Adams, (419) 686-2544.
There is no set length of time or distance to walk; however all walkers should secure financial support
to be donated for hunger relief.

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