Church Events: 9-25

Pastor Luke Ulrich’s sermon Sunday at Abiding Word Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Take up Your
Cross as Jesus’ Disciple."
Pastor Dennis Gugger’s will continue his "Core Values" series with a sermon entitled,
"Teamwork," Sunday at Bowling Green Alliance Church.
Evangelist Harold Driver’s sermon Sunday morning at Bowling Green Church of Christ will be "The Lost
Book." The evening service will be "The Christians Responsibilities."
Pastor Kevin Crawford will begin the "Religion Doesn’t Work" series Sunday at Brookside Church.

Rev. Mack Armstrong’s sermon Sunday at Cloverdale United Methodist Church will be "Almighty Annuls
Admirable Advice."
"Glorying in the Flesh," will be Pastor Brian Snyder’s message Sunday morning at First Baptist
Church. The evening message will be "Glorying in the Cross."
Rev. Brent Pomeroy’s sermon Sunday at First Christian Church will be "Stumbling Blocks."
Pastor Tom Mellott’s sermon Sunday at First United Methodist Church will be "Getting in
The "Celebration of Life Service" Sunday at Maumee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation
will be "Life is a Laughing Matter. Another Sermon From the Amazing Wally Argow," by Steve
Pastor Dan Vellinga’s message Sunday at Plain Congregational Church will be "Watch What you
"The Poetic License," will be Rev. Eric McGlade’s sermon Sunday at Trinity United Methodist
A reception for college students follows the worship Sunday at Turning Point United Methodist Church.
The sermon by Dr. David Faust, president of Cincinnati Christian University, Sunday at Village View
Church of Christ be "BG."
"Looking Into the Future Through the Word of God, Part 8," will be Dr. David Lindeblad’s sermon
Sunday morning at Wood County Baptist Church.
Pastor David Miller’s sermon Sunday at Trinity United Methodist Church will be "The Beatitudes: Pure
in Heart."
Preacher Dan Horner’s sermon Sunday at Bradner Community Christian Church will be "Revelation: Clear
as Mud, part 38."
"You’re the Man," will be Pastor Jeff Ridenour’s sermon Sunday at Bradner United Methodist
The church will celebrate Men’s Sunday and Gideon’s Sunday. Men are encouraged to dress in their most
manly attire they have.
Rev. David Miller’s sermon Sunday at Faith United Methodist Church will be "The Beatitudes: Pure in
Pastor Timothy Rothfuss’ sermon Sunday at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Sharing in
Christ’s Work." The children’s message is "The Rainbow Fish" by Patti Speck.
Pastor Dale Smeltzer’s message Sunday at Christ’s Bible Church will be "Leadership and Followship in
the Church."
"Saint Whistleblower," will be Pastor Pamela Gordon’s message Sunday at First Presbyterian
Rev. Jennifer Jackson’s sermon Sunday at Haskins Community Church will be "Footsteps of Faith."

This will be a special service to recognize those who have 60 or more years of membership. A potluck
dinner follows in their honor.
Pastor Chad Huebner’s theme Sunday at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "A Leap of
Pastor Rick Adams’ message Sunday at Hoytville United Methodist Church will be "Who Will we Find in
Pastor Ron Shinkle’s message Sunday at Lemoyne Baptist Church will be "To the Unknown God."
The Luckey area churches will join forces Sunday for a Community Worship service at 9:30 a.m. at Basic
Park. Some of the planned services at Luckey churches will not be held.
The SonFire worship team will participate and Pastor Melissa Steinecker’s sermon topic will be
"Searching for Power."
Pastor Peter Johnston’s sermon Sunday at Faith United Methodist Church will be "Why we Fight."

Rev. Susan Kronbach’s sermon Sunday at Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist will be "For
Such a Time as This."
Pastor Rick Adams’ message Sunday at St. James United Methodist Church will be "Who Will we Find in
Pastor Ralph Mineo’s sermon topic Sunday at St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church will be
"Stumbling on the way to Peace."
Pastor Matthew Musteric’s sermon Sunday at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Prayer and
Penitence: The way of the Christian."
Pastor Jim Miller’s sermon Sunday at First United Presbyterian Church will be "Normal Christian
Church Life: Quality Relationships."
Pastor Peter Johnston’s sermon Sunday at Pemberville United Methodist Church will be "Why we
Vineyard Church of Toledo welcomes Danny Daniels on Sunday.
Rev. Bruce McDaniel’s sermon Sunday at Christ United Methodist Church will be "Servanthood."

Pastor Ernie Unholz’s sermon Sunday at Rudolph Christian Church will be "An Unlikely Group."

There will be a guest speaker from the Gideon Society on Sunday at Stony Ridge United Methodist Church.

The Sunday morning message at Tontogany Presbyterian Church will be "God, You’re OK." The
children’s message will be "Power – to Forgive."
Rick Broughton’s message Sunday at Weston Church of Christ will be "Why Pray?"
Rev. James Stewart’s sermon Sunday at Weston United Methodist Church will be "How to Have 20/20
Spiritual Vision."