Organizations: 9-19

Master Alpha Zeta
Beginning Day for the Beta Sigma Phi chapter was held Sept. 3 at the home of President Colleen Smith, who
prepared a dinner for 11 members.
A short business meeting followed, where new program books were passed out. The theme for the coming year
will be "Share the Passport to Adventures Through the Garden."
Smith reported on city council and rosters were distributed. She served ice cream and carrot cake during
the social hour.
The first official business meeting was held Sept. 10 at Simpson Garden on Wintergarden Road. Dan Parratt
was the guide for 10 chapter members who toured the Children’s Garden, the daylilies and other gardens.

Afterward, members met at Big Boy for the meeting.
An invitation was read from Xi Gamma Kappa Chapter regarding Exemplar Night, to be held Oct. 25 at
Simpson Garden at 1 p.m. The theme will be Medieval Feast. A count will be taken at the Oct. 8 meeting.

Rose Emmerich took a count of those planning to dine out at Shuckers. The group will meet at the
restaurant at 6 tonight.
Vice President Betty Goodman announced that rituals for all chapters will be held Oct. 18 at 1 p.m. at
Stadium View. Any members who are eligible to progress will do so then. Goodman will contact Ruah
Buckingham with a count of those planning to attend.
The next business meeting will be Sept. 24. Marilyn Pahl will host and will have the program, "Old
Garden House."
Troy-Webster Legion Auxiliary
LUCKEY – President Shirley Davis opened the Sept. 2 monthly meeting of Unit No. 240 at 7:30 p.m., with 15
members present.
Chaplain Lila James led the prayer.
Ellen Bechstein V.A.R. co-chairman, thanked Dorothy Daman, Rosemarie Heilman, Joel and Shirley Davis,
Karen Snyder and Ruth Peters for serving coffee at the VA Clinic in Toledo.
Eloise Brinker, education chair, asked members to keep saving coupons.
Fall Festival is Sept. 25-27. A sign-up sheet for pies was passed around. People on the work schedule for
Saturday, Sept. 26 should report to the legion hall at 10 a.m.
Betty Briggs agreed to be poppy chairman if others who helped Dorothy Daman will stay on the committee.

Fund raisers suggested were a trip to Greek Town Casino, Sandpiper trip, and monthly pancake breakfast.

The unit donated 288 flags and a banner to the National Guard unit deployed to Iraq. Randy Aspacher from
Luckey was with the unit; pictures were in The Sentinel-Tribune.
Irene Michel and Kathryn Shaffer won door prizes. Betty Meyer and Roberta Cajka provided fresh peach cake
Past Presidents will be going to lunch at Max and Erma’s at Levis Commonns on Sept. 17 at 11:30 a.m.