Fair board losing veteran member


After 30 years of service, Garry Aller has stepped away as a director of the Wood County Agricultural
Better known as the senior fair board, Aller says he has "done just about everything" for the
board and has served most recently for the last eight to 10 years as its treasurer.
"His heart is in the Wood County Fair," said Jo Sipes, a fellow board member.
Calling him a "leader of the board," Sipes added, "I have learned so much from him. His
patience – his sense of humor, he just keeps us all going."
Allen Limes, another longtime board member agreed calling him a "conscientious worker," noting,
"we always had a lot of fun as we got a lot of work done."
Aller’s history at the fair goes back long before he became a board member. He recalls joining 4-H at his
first opportunity at age 8, and showed chickens and steers each year.
"I always liked the fair, and was always interested in the fair."
After high school he remembers asking how to become a member of the board. His opportunity came in 1979
when Reilly Metz asked him if he was still interested in serving and noted his Bloom Township seat would
be available. He filled that seat for most of his years on the board until a recent move. He then ran
and was elected for an at-large seat on the board.
Aller has been a farmer in the Cygnet area for all his life. Though retired, he still helps the farmer
who rents his land.
Aller recent stint as treasurer has been highly praised by many.
Outgoing secretary for the board, Joanne Spoerl, said he has truly made her job easier.
"His records were always top notch," Spoerl stated also noting the auditor’s praise.
"We’ve been through many audits and we really haven’t had any problems," said Jim Cessna,
another board member. "There hasn’t been anything (findings or problems) at all and that’s been
"He has done a heck of a job to keep us from overspending and have some money back for a rainy
day," Limes noted.
His colleagues all noted his knack for numbers and his ability with handling the budget each year. Last
year the budget reached $1 million for the first time.
"It’s a tough place to be in that treasurer’s seat, and he did an awful good job," Limes
After terms as vice president and president, Aller settled into the treasurer’s post.
"I think the treasurer’s job is the one I like the most. Nobody wants that job, but its not nearly
as bad as people think it is," he said.
Despite his focus on the finances, admissions and the like, Sipes noted his ability to take a broad view.

"Some people get so involved in their own department, but he keeps his focus on the whole
fair," she said.
In reflecting back, Aller recalls how much the fair has changed over the years.
He especially noted how campers have improved living conditions during the fair.
"When I came to fair we stayed in livestock trucks. We put a canvas over the back of a pick-up truck
or a livestock truck," he said noting he can’t quite recall how they handled the heat. "I
guess we didn’t know any better."
He said another change is how much closer the directors need to follow the rules and regulations as
enforcement has strengthened.
Aller felt the time was right to leave the board. Some family concerns and a desire to do more travelling
were the strongest factors.
"We’d like to spend more time in Florida," Aller said of he and his wife, Barbara. The couple
has five children, 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Looking back at his years on the board, he has few, if any regrets.
"One thing that I learned very early is that the fair is for everybody," Aller said agreeing
with Sipes how some board members look out for their own interests.
"You have to have a little bit of everything, that’s what a fair is for" he said noting he now
understands what it took him a while to realize.
Spoerl calls his departure, "a loss for the board because of his experiences."
Sipes agreed, "It’s very sad to lose him from the fair board, there will be a big vacancy
Cessna summed it up speaking of the man who was his friend before they were board members,
"Everything he’s tackled as far as the board is concerned has come off very well – and, he’s a good

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