Baby can’t wait, arrives enroute to local hospital


A young Toledo couple trying to make it to her doctor in Upper Sandusky on Tuesday abruptly changed
course when the woman, who was in labor, realized she was about to deliver. But the baby was in too much
of a hurry to wait for an ambulance to arrive at Wood County Hospital.
Ashey Heberling and Joshua Lisiakowski, headed southbound on I-75, had made it as far as North Baltimore
"when my girlfriend’s water broke," Lisiakowski said Friday. They stopped at McDonald’s, where
Lisiakowski called for an ambulance while Heberling headed for the bathroom.
"They came from Bloomdale; it took them maybe 10 minutes," but meanwhile it was evident things
were moving fast, Lisiakowski said.
The ambulance took off northward at a high rate of speed while Lisiakowski driving his own car, followed
a sheriff’s deputy to the hospital.
As they approached the U.S. 6 exit south of Bowling Green Lisiakowski and the deputy could see the
ambulance pulled off on the shoulder of the road. They were, as it turns out, delivering his new
"The sheriff’s car and I ended up arriving at the hospital at the same time as the ambulance."

Lisiakowski was able to get just a quick peek at the baby before mother and daughter were whisked inside.

Mother and child, both admitted to the hospital, were released late Thursday.
In retrospect, Lisiakowski says the couple should have followed Heberling’s first instinct, which was to
turn off 75 at Bowling Green and seek out a hospital there.
"But she called her mom, who said ‘Keep going; your OB-GYN is in Upper Sandusky.’"
Heberling is from Kenton, which is why she originally chose a doctor in that area. But the couple are
both enrolled at the University of Toledo this fall as freshmen.
The baby, Karsyn Grace, was not due until Sept. 26.
But "they’re both fine," Lisiakowski said.

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