Organizations: 9-18

Timeless Treasures
BRADNER – The club held their September meeting at the Bradner Park. Attending were 25 members and two
guests, Bob and Pat Sondergeld from Genoa.
Milford Smith gave the table blessing for the picnic style meal.
President Betty Lombard conducted a short business meeting. She asked the group to be thinking of plans
for the Christmas party, which will be rapidly approaching.
Wilma Van Horn, chairperson of the entertainment committee, stated that the theme for the program was
"Timeless Treasures’ Got Talent." She introduced the first act, Milford and his pal Neko. They
joined in a duet with Milford playing the harmonica.
Idella Rojewski led several in a rousing rendition of "Old McDonald had a Farm." Other members
read modern versions of old time nursery rhymes and a sing-along followed. Bernadine Smith closed the
entertainment with her magic act.
The group sang "Happy Birthday" to Dick Teeple, Wanda Smith and Joe DiSumma, and "Happy
Anniversary" to Judy and Henry Schroeder for their 13th, and Jim and Versa Richard for their 33rd
The next meeting will be held Oct. 1 at Bradner Park, weather permitting. All area seniors are welcome.