Library takes nominations for outstanding employee award


Library users can help Wood County District Public Library’s Board of Trustees say "Thank You"
to the library’s staff.
The trustees are currently seeking nominations for the John M. Gibson Award at WCDPL, 251 North Main St.,
Bowling Green, and its Walbridge branch at 108 N. Main St., Walbridge. The award, named after the late
John Gibson in honor of his contributions to the library and his integral role in the library’s
renovation, is presented annually by trustees to recognize excellence in customer service shown by a
library staff member.
Any staff member may be nominated, except the director and assistant director. Since being established in
2003, the award has been presented to five employees.
All nominees will be recognized by the board of trustees and the award will be presented during a special
program as part of the library’s annual all-staff training day Nov. 20.
Nomination forms are available at both library locations Completed nominations may be left in ballot
boxes at either location, but must be returned by Nov. 13.

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