Kids return to All Saints School


(Updated at 10:54
9-15) ROSSFORD – A failed ball bearing was the cause behind smoke at All Saints School Monday, according
to the Rossford Fire Department.
Fire Chief James Verbosky said this morning that the bearing was generating hazy, rubber-smelling smoke
inside the building every time the blower to a particular heating, ventilating and air conditioning unit
was activated.
"After eliminating certain things … we figured it was the air conditioning on the roof," he
The department responded at about 8:45 a.m. Monday and found classes and a church service already
evacuated at the 630 Lime City Road building. It took about an hour to isolate the source of the smoke
with the aid of thermal imaging cameras and other equipment.
Perrysburg Township and Northwood firefighters were activated through mutual aid.
Verbosky said the department shut power off to the unit and that it was already being repaired.
There was no smoke damage and no injuries. (photo) School officials and students wait to re-enter the
building. (Photo: J.D. Pooley/Sentinel-Tribune)
(Updated at 10:54
9-15) ROSSFORD – A failed ball bearing was the cause behind smoke at All Saints School Monday, according
to the Rossford Fire Department.
Fire Chief James Verbosky said this morning that the bearing was generating hazy, rubber-smelling smoke
inside the building every time the blower to a particular heating, ventilating and air conditioning unit
was activated.
"After eliminating certain things … we figured it was the air conditioning on the roof," he
The department responded at about 8:45 a.m. Monday and found classes and a church service already
evacuated at the 630 Lime City Road building. It took about an hour to isolate the source of the smoke
with the aid of thermal imaging cameras and other equipment.
Perrysburg Township and Northwood firefighters were activated through mutual aid.
Verbosky said the department shut power off to the unit and that it was already being repaired.
There was no smoke damage and no injuries. (photo) School officials and students wait to re-enter the
building. (Photo: J.D. Pooley/Sentinel-Tribune)

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