BG Council considers budget cuts should tax request fail in November


Bowling Green City Council will receive the next update on city finances in time for its Sept. 21
"We plan to have details in writing to council by Sept. 21," Municipal Administrator John
Fawcett said Monday night in reply to a question from At-Large Council Member Robert McOmber.
Fawcett said the information would also outline what cuts would be likely should a 0.08 percent tax
increase on the November ballot not be approved by voters. "We plan to lay out for you what we
anticipate would be the repercussions of a negative vote," Fawcett said.
Council’s Finance Committee and council as a committee of the whole have met numerous times since last
fall to find ways to balance the city budget. City officials have previously indicated there will have
to be additional cuts even if the tax proposal is approved. The cuts would be deeper if the proposal is
Council also:
¥ Elected Second Ward representative John Zanfardino as president pro tem. He replaces Gordy Heminger,
who resigned from council at the end of July to take a new job out of town.
¥ Approved a resolution honoring Heminger for his service to the city.
¥ Approved two resolutions establishing budget lines to accept and spend federal funds for various
¥ Approved seeking bids and contracts for rehabilitation or replacement of substandard sewers and for a
water line extension on East Wooster Street east of the Meijer property.

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