Latta wants to slow down health care legislation

U.S. Rep. Bob Latta, R-Bowling Green, issued the following statement Wedneday evening in response to
President Barack Obama’s address on health care:
"Democrat Congressional leadership continues to rush health care legislation through both chambers,
with no real explanation. Constituents in Ohio’s Fifth District, in addition to millions of other
Americans, have asked Congress to slow this process down and thoroughly examine probably one of the most
important pieces of legislation Congress has debated since the New Deal.
"No one will argue that our nation does not need health care reform, but it is clear that Congress
must start over with real bipartisan negotiations where Republicans can be included and have input into
the final legislation.
"Many concerns still linger about the legislation itself. With a final price tag of over $1 trillion
financed with tax hikes and fees, no guarantee that people will be able to keep their current coverage
if they are satisfied, and an unprecedented expansion of the Federal government, the bill before the
House will do more harm than good to our current health care system.
"House Republicans remain committed to making quality health care coverage affordable and accessible
for every American, regardless of preexisting health conditions, and allowing those who like their
current health care coverage to keep it. House Republicans support health care reform that puts patients
and their health first, protects the important doctor-patient relationship, and institutes tort or legal
"Small businesses also need the ability to pool their resources across state lines to provide
coverage for their employees.
"As the health care debate moves forward, I sincerely hope that President Obama’s call for
bipartisan negotiations is taken seriously by Democrat Congressional leadership."