Small-space solutions


Most of us cannot redo the closets in our homes, so we have to get creative to maximize the space. Here
are ways to do that:
¥ Use double-hanging sections and every inch of wall space for things like shoe and tie racks.
¥ It is OK to only put hanging items in a closet. Some closets were just not cut out for the full duties
of clothing storage.
¥ If your closet is especially tiny, consider installing additional drawers in another part of the room.

¥ When selecting furniture for a room, be sure that the piece is the right size for the space and setup.
Big, beautiful furniture can be great, but it can also be a disaster in a small room. A streamlined
arrangement frees up valuable space and helps establish a clutter-free haven.
¥ Look around for valuable space that is not being used. Empty spaces can be a great opportunity to
increase storage, and they help create order. Instead of those dust bunnies taking up residence under
the bed, put that space to good use with some under-bed storage containers. High shelves can be another
good place to stow.
Make a list of what you put in long-term-storage areas so you won’t lose track of what you have and end
up buying duplicates.
¥ If you have read a book and have no intention of reading it again, get rid of it. Share it with a
friend or donate it.
(Courtesy of professional organizer Liz Witts. Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service.)

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